Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Practice of Letting it Be

The last year or more has been an exercise in patience - physically, financially, emotionally.  I'm learning to give thanks without guilt - appreciate more the moment - and implement the practice of letting be. 

Man is not equipped to deny his natural state - fear, anger, joy, love...  for someone to presume you can simply let your feelings go - is almost cruel. 

While we must always answer to the higher principal of  "do no harm" - the repression of urges, thoughts and feelings only leads unhappiness. 

A more appropriate response is simply Let It Be - just lay it aside - if only for a time.  It's amazing how with little effort we are able to view the hurt feelings, disappointments etc. as petty past nuisances.

Best of intentions in your pursuit~  Peace in

Diary Note:  Returned to my meditation practice yesterday. I am taking a more natural approach to health - limiting medications to those that are truly necessary - seeking help when needed - and embracing disclosure as a healthy part of the human experience.  This last part is not easy for an ACOA (adult child of an alcoholic). 

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