Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Looking outside yourself ~

It's easy for us to get caught up in ourselves... and we should know our mind - hearts - feelings...  Practicing empathy is another way for us to nurture our spirit.  The Dali Llama believes the secret to happiness - is the acknowledgement of the worlds sorrow.  While we can't all strive to live our lives with the same moral fortitude as his grace - we can make a conscious effort to cut each other some slack.  The person in front of you may be burdened with a mountain of debt - someone they love may be ill - etc.  We are all just trying to get somewhere...  with the end result being we are all just seeking to be loved.  The stranger in front of you would be your best friend - if you were stranded together. 

Lead by example - this determines the fate of our world...

God speed ~ and Peace in!

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